2012 , Vol 7 , Num 1
Intraocular Lens Haptic Extruded from Cornea
1M.D Asociate Professor, Kırıkkale University Medical Faculity Ophthalmology Department Kırıkkale/TURKEY2M.D Asistant Professor, Kırıkkale University Medical Faculity Ophthalmology Department Kırıkkale/TURKEY We report a rare clinical condition in a 65-year-old woman who had undergone an extracapular cataract extraction 5 months ago. The patient admitted with foreign body sensation in the right eye. On examination, one haptic of a single piece, polymethylmethacrylate posterior chamber intraocular lens (PC-IOL) fixated in the ciliary sulcus was protruding from the corneal surgical scar. Migration of PC-IOL haptic into the surgical wound is a very rare complication of cataract surgery. Surgeon should check for the positioning of the haptics during lens implantation to avoid further complications. Keywords : Cornea, intraocular lens, haptic