2010 , Vol 5 , Num 3
The Effect of Using Descement’s Punch in Phacotrabeculectomy on the Succes of Surgery
1Dr. Lütfi Kırdar Kartal EAH, 1. Göz Kliniği, İstanbul, Uzm. Dr.2Elazığ Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Göz Kliniği, Elazığ, Uzm. Dr.
3Haydarpaşa Numune EAH, 2.Göz Kliniği, İstanbul, Uzm. Dr.
4Haydarpaşa Numune EAH, 2. Göz Klinik Şefi, İstanbul, Prof. Dr. Purpose: To evaluate the effect of using Descemet punch in phacotrabeculectomy operation on the succes of surgery.
Materials and Methods: Our study included the phacotrabeculectomy surgeries in between July 2004-February 2007, which are done by the same surgeon, whether Descemet punch is used or not used. 23 eye of 20 patients who are followed in our glaucoma clinic had phacotrabeculectomy named group 1, 51 eye of 43 patients had phacotrabeculectomy with Descemet punch named group 2.
Results: The İOP values, who were not used postoperative medication, are below 18 mmHg in 91.3% of patient in group 1, 84.3% of patient in group 2. When we compare the two groups there is no statistical difference in success of surgery (İOP≤18 mmHg). İn our study there is no statistical difference in complication rate between two groups but we find out that complication rate is less in group 2 with 10 (19.6%) compared to group 1 with 6 (26.1%).
Conclusion: Phacotrabeculectomy with Descemet punch operation is easier than the classical technique, has lower complication rate and has a positive effect on surgical outcome. Keywords : Fakotrabeculectomy, punch trabeculectomy, İntraocular pressure