2011 , Vol 6 , Num 2
A Case Report; Takayasu Arteritis and Cataract Surgery
1Yeditepe Üniversitesi, Göz Hastalıkları, İstanbul, Asist. Dr.2Yeditepe Üniversitesi, Göz Hastalıkları, İstanbul, Doç. Dr.
3Yeditepe Üniversitesi, Göz Hastalıkları, İstanbul, Prof. Dr. A thirty-five years-old female patient with a history of Takayasu arteritis (TA) was examined for loss of vision. Anterior chamber examination revealed posterior subcapsular cataracts in both eyes and fundus examination revealed vitreo-retinal traction at 12 o'clock in the right eye and argon laser treatment was applied to the area. Fundus fluorescein angiography showed that both eyes had diffuse microaneurysm consistent with a microcapillary problem. On the optical coherence tomography, the macular thickness and formation were normal. In addition to a routine cardiological examination, ophthalmological follow-up should be carried out in patients with TA. Keywords : Takayasu arteritis, retinal ischemia, cataract, microaneursym