2009 , Vol 4 , Num 4
Refractory Glaucoma at the Fuchs Heterochromic Iridocyclitis
1Ankara Numune Hastanesi 3. Göz Kliniği, Ankara, Doç. Dr.2Ankara Numune Hastanesi 3. Göz Kliniği, Ankara, Asist. Dr.
3Ankara Numune Hastanesi 3. Göz Kliniği, Klinik Şef Yard., Ankara, Uz. Dr.
4Ankara Numune Hastanesi 3. Göz Kliniği, Klinik Şefi Ankara, Uz. Dr. To discuss two cases and treatments with refractory glaucoma after phacoemulsification+intraocular lens implantation (Phaco+IOL) at Fuch’s Heterochromic Iridocyclitis (FHI). Phaco+IOL implantation was performed to right eye of male patient who had bilateral degenerative myopia and FHI. Glaucoma developed in this eye after operation without complication and required trabeculectomy (three times) -that one of them was in first year after Phaco+IOL and a needling was needed to control intraocular pressure (IOP). The control of IOP and visual acuity were protected through out glaucoma surgeries. On following examination, choroid neovascular membran secondary degenerative myopia was determined in the left eye and treated..
Trabeculectomy operation was performed to male patient with FHI and pseudophakia in the left eye which medical therapy was ineffective for IOP control. The retinopathy of decompression that including macula developed at postoperative period. Therefore his visual acuity decreased on following examination and endolaser cyclophotocoagulation and Ahmed valv implantation were performed to control IOP. Glaucoma was controlled with this surgery procedures. Keywords : Fuchs heterochromic iridocyclitis, glaucoma, intraocular pressure, decompression rethinopathy, Ahmet glaucoma implant