2014 , Vol 9 , Num 4
Capsular Block Syndrome Which That Caused By Concave İntraocular Lens
1M.D. Asistant Professor, Inonu University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology, Malatya/TURKEY2M.D, Specialist Alfa Eye Hospital, Izmir/TURKEY 62 year old female patient was operated on for left cataract. -3.00 Diopter three piece acrylic foldable concave intraocular lens was implanted according to preoperative biometric results. Visual acuity and quality of patients was decreased one week after uncomplicated facoemulsification. Altough there was proper 5 mm capsulorheksis size, the patient was diagnosed capsular block syndrome and YAG laser anterior capsulotomy was performed to inferonasal anterior capsule. The complaints of patient was resolved. Anterior chamber depth returned to normal. Posterior capsule approached to the intraocular lens. In such cases, peripheral anterior capsule YAG laser capsulotomy can be considered as an effective treatment option. Keywords : Capsular block syndrome, cataract, capsulotomy